Rêve O Kite Bretagne Votre Ecole de Kitesurf Finistere et de Wing Foil de la région de Brest

Lessons /Courses/ Internship WingFoil of the French Finistere Wing Foil School Rêve O Kite, Region Brest  Landeda- Lampaul-Ploudalmezeau-Sainte-Marguerite-Treompan-Trois-moutons-Coulouarn-Aber Wrach (Brittany , 29 )

 The differents WingFoil WingSurf Lessons / Courses / Internship of the Wing Foil School Reve O Kite

Rêve O Kite Your Finistere Wing Foil School of the area of Brest (29).

Learn WingFoil on the most beautiful spots of Finistere

The WingFoil services offered

The Finistere RêveOKite Wing Foil school has set up different WingFoil Courses / Internship (s) / Formula (s) to meet everyone’s needs.

WingFoil lessons are given either in semi-private lessons (2 people maximum), or in private/private lessons

The follow-up of each trainee is individualized.

Each trainee has a radio link with the monitor.

You will benefit from the latest technical advances in terms of construction and safety with recent wing equipment and boards to facilitate your progress.  You just need to have your own wetsuit.

Lessons are mainly given either at the beach of Tréompan / Trois Moutons / Coulouarn – Lampaul Ploudalmézeau or at the beach of Sainte Marguerite – Landeda – Aber Wrach depending on the direction of the wind.


In pack of several WingFoil sessions

Minimum required: be available every day from Monday to Friday all day 24 hours from morning to evening over a week or every weekend Saturday Sunday all day from morning to evening


Semi-private / semi-private Glisse WingFoil Pack

Procedure: 3 sessions of 2h30.

You’ve never done Wing Foil and your goal is to glide with the wind.

This formula is made for you.

The Glisse formula will take you from the initiation to piloting the Wing to the first glides with the board and that in complete safety.

Semi-private/semi-private Wing Foil Glisse course 450€
Additional session *: 140€

* Additional sessions at a preferential rate in the course of your internship: – 15 days after your last session


At the session


Semi-private / semi-private WingFoil Initiation Formula


Procedure: 1 session of 2h30

The Wing Foil tempts you but you do not know if this activity is made for you.

This formula is made for you.

The Initiation WingFoil formula will allow you to have the first bases and sensations of Wing Foil in complete safety.

Semi-private/ semi-private Wing Foil lesson Initiation €160

Formula Consolidation WingFoil semi-private / semi-private


Procedure: 1 session of 2h30

You have already taken a Wing Foil course which introduced you to gliding.

You don’t miss much anymore.

This formula is made for you.

The Consolidation formula will allow you to get back on your feet and consolidate your achievements.

Semi-private / semi-private WingFoil lesson Consolidation 160€


Private education


Private Formula Initiation or Consolidation Wing Foil


Procedure: 1 session of 2h30.

You want to follow a session of Initiation or Consolidation of Wing Foil in private-individual lesson allowing you to benefit from personalized coaching at all your stages of progression and this, in complete safety.

This formula is made for you. You will have a particular WingFoil coach just for you.

*course available by appointment

Wing Foil Private-Individual Initiation or Consolidation 220€


Private gliding course or WingFoil Evolution


Procedure: 3 sessions of 2h30.

You want to take a Glisse or Evolution WingFoil course

in private-individual lessons allowing you to benefit from personalized coaching at all your stages of progress and this, in complete safety.

These internships are made for you. You will have a particular Wing Foil coach just for you.

*course available during the week by appointment

Private-Individual WingFoil Internship
Glide or Evolution 600€




Learn about the most beautiful sites in Finistère in complete safety with Rêve O Kite, your Finistere Wing Foil School in Landeda and Lampaul Ploudalmézeau in the Brest area